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1.黑暗的日子里,就算没有太阳,我也依然在。In the dark days, even if there is no sun, I am still there2.人,总要爱着点什么,快乐就不请再来。People, always love something, happy do not please come again3.其实我这小我私家,满身阴暗,但你需要的话,我依然会给你一点阳光。


In fact, I am a dark person, but if you need, I will still give you a little sunshine4.一辈子也不长,请一定要认真奢侈的爱自己。Life is not long, please love yourself seriously and extravagantly5.要相信有一些小优美正在井然有序地发生着。Believe that there are small things happening in an orderly way6.撑住,你会拥有厥后的一切。Hold on, you will have everything later7.每小我私家都应该有足够的勇气去面临运气里差别的风,总有一天未来的日子里将光明妖冶。

Everyone should have enough courage to face the different wind in fate, one day the future will be bright and bright8.温柔半两,从容一生。Gentle half Liang, calm life9.这个世界疯狂,没人性。可你却一直清醒,温柔,一尘不染。

The world is crazy and inhuman. But you have been awake, gentle, spotless10.世事千帆过,前方终会是温柔和月光。After a thousand sails, the front will be gentle and moonlight11.不必对自己太苛刻,究竟我们也只是宇宙的孩子,放慢一些脚步,你会发现周围一切的优美。

Don't be too hard on yourself. After all, we are just children of the universe. Slow down a little and you will find the beauty of everything around you12.现在正看句子的你,虽然疲惫了一天,但你绝对优秀。Now you are reading sentences, although tired for a day, but you are absolutely excellent​。

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